SNES Starfox - Remake in Unity

 The Game

Why We Made It

In the CS Projects class at my high school, we were given a challenge: create a vertical slice of a game from the SNES era. 

I was in a group with my fellow student Tobin (GitHub here), and while we could have absolutely chosen something simpler, like one of the various 2D platformers of the time, we decided to recreate what was the most graphically complex game for the SNES, with 3D. 

Now while a game like this might've been challenging to develop back when StarFox for the SNES was created, it's quite simple in the present day. Make or grab some models you can find, make an infinite scrolling backdrop with some obstacles, create a flying ship, add a couple enemies, add weapons, and the game is mostly complete!

We made this game in about a week. It's simple, but it's fun to play around with.

The Project

You can find the Unity project on GitHub here.

Play the Game

Play it fullscreen here.


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