Ultimate Tic Tac Toe - A Group Project
The Game
Making It
By now, I'm certain you're aware of how to play tic tac toe. But what if, every single one of those 9 squares, was another tic tac toe game? Also, depending on where you last played, you can only play in that same square in the big full-size game. This is a project my friend (found on github at AlteredNode) was working on, that I got involved in.
Together, we built a game that was simple enough to make, but entertaining enough to keep a group focused for a while. We ported it to Windows, Mac, Android, and iOS, though it is not in any of the app stores yet. It still has to be sideloaded for now.
The Project
You can find the source code for the Unity project here, the XCode project for porting to iOS here, and download the game here.
Play the Game
Play it fullscreen here.
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